Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Learning to sing. Is it worth paying for lessons?

So basically i have grown a love for a boy band called One Direction
whom you may have heard of. They have inspired me to want to learn how
to sing. I know that some people are naturally gifted in singing.
Unfortunately i'm not a natural born singer but i wouldn't call myself
tone deaf either.

Im doing VCE music and a bit of guitar. I have been thinking about
getting singing lessons and mum approves but is it worth it? If you're
determined enough and hardworking can you really learn how to sing? I
have been practicing a lot more lately. What are some excercises you
could reccommend before i start doing lessons? Also what are some good
easy songs i can practice to begin with?

Right now my main focus is hitting the right notes and holding them
long enough. Also i don't really know how to end a sung word to make
it sound better. I have been sort of vibrating my voice toward the end
of the note and to me it sounds better but i realise it probably
sounds worse to others.

I have also been trying to sound true to my own accent (Australian)
because i hate that kind of "try hard" sound. So really my questions
are would you reccommend singing lessons? How often is the minimum i
should get them without a said goal in mind? some vocal excercises and
easy songs to practice? and anything else you might want to add.

Thanks for reading.

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