Thursday, June 23, 2011

Need name of this movie?


I'm looking for a movie where a father passes away and leaves a will
for him, which the son didn't really care about him. Anyway, to get
the will he had to do these quests like go to texas to work on a farm
then get paid so much and return to his home to do more things like
give it away.

He loses his home furniture anyway then he meets this woman with a
daughter which is sick and he had to give his money to pay for her

Then he goes to some country where he runs into a plane where his dad
crashed and got captured with a guy and he helped the guy excape on
christmas or something.

Then he returns home after he gets away. At the end he gets like a
multi milliondollars and he opens a hospital to treat cancer kids to
make them feel like home or something.

Anyway, does anyone know the name of this movie?

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